Discussion of Ethics and Morality in relation to technological innovation. Mostly a short introduction on how someone can learn to reflect ethically on moral dilemmas using moral principles as a guideline. The focus will be on the guiding moral principles and how to reflect on one's own moral beliefs and worldview. Jason MacDougall
Starting with an introduction to deep neural networks, to the basic concepts behind transformers, CLIP and diffusion models, we will explore the foundations, basic possibilities, current limitations, and the future of a new generation of AI tools able to boost our writing, designing, modeling and other till now only human skills. Examples using cutting-edge tools will be explored. Jordi Linares, Isabel Ferri Mollá & Juan Jesús Izquierdo
As a development project I am implementing an iOS Learning App for students (to learn a specific topic of Operations Research). In this lecture / workshop I will give an overview over the development stages / challenges / specific topics of the Apple ecosystem and what things to consider while developing an app. Some aspects are harder to get them work, some are not. And only some of them are related to programming. So, many challenges are beside of the programming part. This session is mix of a lecture and a workshop. Students should work in groups and discuss together and with me. No programming skills are required. Daniel F. Abawi
Lightroom Classic is a very powerful raw converter, database and organisational tool for every professional in the creative field. In this course we'll look at how to organise images (import/export & Library module), talk about the newly introduced Artificial Intelligence for developing images (and synching them over large amount of images) in the Develop module and the creative tools the Print module offers us. The workshop will consist of both theory and practice (exercises). Jürgen Doom
We are going to build an Application using Mongo, Express, Vue and Node (MEVN); Topics covered are: Vue3 Single File Components/Composition API, REST backend with node/express and MongoDB. Required knowledge is web foundations (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) Rimbert Rudisch-Sommer
More and more products and services are designed for international audiences. Even if the product or service is used in one country, people still have multiple cultural backgrounds that influence their expectations and perception of our product or service. When designing products or services it is important not to stereotype and to be aware of your own biases. In this interactive lecture full of tips and examples, you will learn more about the challenges and opportunities for UX designers to design in a cross cultural way. Saskia Best & Sylvia Delissen
Continuum to workshop started on Monday afternoon... Jürgen Doom
Practical Introduction to the Symfony web framework and Doctrine ORM. Required knowledge is web foundations (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and some basic PHP. Rimbert Rudisch-Sommer
Today, we are facing some serious challenges as a society. The good news? We can address these challenges head-on by making the shift to a more sustainable system. In a 2,5-hour workshop you will work on a mini-design challenge and apply creative design methods to explore opportunities for a better (and more sustainable) future. Sylvia Delissen & Saskia Best
Continuum to workshop started on Monday afternoon... Jürgen Doom
In this lecture you will gain a basic understanding of what machine learning is, how to apply a simple AI algorithm, and how to apply it in your own online web project. Erik Katerborg
Jordi Linares & Jason MacDougal
Introduction to student exchange opportunities in visitor's universities
Sharing experiences of being a women, or NOT a male-presenting person, in the tech industry. I'll share my story and hope to hear some of yours. Men are welcome. Leanne de Goeij
Parametric modeling using generative tools is an advanced method to obtain organic shapes. Highly used in Architecture and Industrial Design, Rhino-Grasshopper software allows users to generate, in a graphic and algorithmic way, shapes that otherwise would be extremely time-consuming. Jordi Voltas
Design thinking is a non-linear, iterative process that teams use to understand users, challenge assumptions, redefine problems and create innovative solutions to prototype and test. Involving five phases—Empathise, Define, Ideate, Prototype and Test—it is most useful to tackle problems that are ill-defined or unknown. This workshop will give the students the opportunity to use the concepts behind design thinking in a practical case. By using a wide variety of methods, students will gain knowledge concerning users, which will lead to better solutions. Eva Sørum Poulsen
Intelligent agents aim to develop its own behavior using simple rules in the local environment. The session will introduce the concept of intelligent agents system trough examples in a practical workshop oriented develop simulations that express a complex collective behaviour using a netlogo a powerful yet simple to learn tool. Miguel Angel Rodriguez Roman
If you want to create a digital product, whether it is a mobile app, a game, a website or any digital platform, you must take into account the potential users, their needs and how they will interact with the interface for your project to be successful. In this workshop, we will learn how to include UX practices in the digital product development process with practical exercises. Rosó Baltà Salvador
Part 2 for the workshop started in the morning... Eva Sørum Poulsen
Javascript was originally limited to simple dynamic effects in web pages. Since
then, it has gone throught an incredible evolution: today, you can use it to build
about anything - from web apps, server scripts or cloud applications, and even power
IoT and Robotics!
In this workshop, we'll experiment with communicating to microprocessors from the
browser using the Javascript USB API.
Rogier van der Linde
Blockchain technology, which implements application such as the cryptocurrency Bitcoin, is considered very secure due to its complex cryptographic procedures. In recent years, smart contracts have also been increasingly realized with the technology. However, these have been exploited several times due to their special implementation despite the underlying secure technology. This course presents famous cases, shows the reasons for the exploits and gives recommendations for the secure development of smart contracts. Tobias Fertig & Andreas Schütz